
Introductions and all that

 Salutations and a big welcome to all visitors to my blog.   I don't know how you stumbled or found your way to this web address but however the mode of transport, it does not matter as it merely served as a vessel to bring you to your true purpose in life, which is to read my blog! ha ha that's a bit of humor, i am no deity and have no idea of what anyone's purpose in life is, i have ideas of what peoples purpose should be, in my humble yet constantly horny opinion, in my own perfect world ill never live to see come to fruition, y'all all would be my slaves, the dudes would spend their lives growing my weed crops and learning how to make all kinds of drugs and then making them for my consumption, the ones who look fem, and have a personality i can stand without wanting to kill them, id put them into a program to turn them into cock loving sluts and turn them into cross dressing fuck puppets for my harem. the women, the old ones past 60 id probably put on kitchen duty o